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The smart shopping list.

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Shopping made Easy
You can easily plan your shopping in advance, ensuring you're always on track to meet your shopping goals.
Realtime Notifications
Automatically get reminded when you're near a store that has items on your list and never miss a thing!
Maps Integration
We designed a custom map view to help you find stores close to you. You can also search for stores by name.
Mask friendly
NineList is designed to be used with a mask. You can easily check your list without unlocking your phone.
Start shopping smarter today!
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What is NineList?

Discover the Joy of Effortless Shopping with NineList! Gone are the days when a shopping list was just a forgettable piece of paper or a dull digital note. Welcome to the world of NineList, where we transform your grocery shopping experience from mundane to magnificent.

NineList isn't your average shopping list app. We've reinvented how you manage your shopping needs. Our app intelligently remembers your desired purchases and the places you prefer to shop, neatly organizing items by category. But that's not all. Our cutting-edge, real-time location triggers are designed to remind you exactly when and where to pick up your items, ensuring you never miss a thing.

In our fast-paced world, convenience is key. That's why NineList eliminates the hassles of traditional shopping lists. With our innovative notification system, a quick glance at your lock screen is all it takes to view your shopping list. No more unlocking phones, no more fuss. Simply check your list, mark items as complete, and continue your shopping spree with ease and efficiency.

Join the NineList community and experience how we're revolutionizing the art of shopping. Whether you're planning a big grocery haul or just picking up a few essentials, NineList is your go-to companion for a seamless and enjoyable shopping journey. Try NineList today and turn your shopping tasks into delightful experiences!

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